
13 October 2009

"Pee-pee on potty"

That's the chant I've heard the last two days we've picked Kaitlyn up from daycare.

"Pee-pee on potty!"

Our little girl -- and yes, she is no longer a toddler, our baby or any other cutesie name. She is a little girl -- is doing a great job on the can at daycare.

Now, she's never been shy about sitting her tookus on the potty. Actually, she relishes those moments when she can sit on the potty and read her book, listen to music or just be naked. She's getting more and more like daddy every day.

Michelle has always called our child a genius. When she started standing and wobbling on her feet at 10 months, Michelle was ready to enroll her in Duke. After she began reading words back to us from Hop on Pop, she elevated Kaitlyn to Princeton-status. Her first successful potty trip? Kaitlyn's a Rhodes Scholar in waiting.

I haven't taken a sip from the genius Kool-Aid. Yeah, she's smart. I think that's more a product of working with her and a child's natural curiosity. I try to diffuse the Einstein talk by pointing out other things, like why does my daughter only pee at daycare and not at home? How does she not realize that we still want to sleep at 6:30 in the morning on weekends? Why is she fascinated by a giant orange Tic Tac?

Don't get me wrong -- I'm tremendously proud of all my daughter's accomplishments. I enjoy watching her grow up and learn all of these things, even if it means my little girl is becoming, well, a little girl.

She just better not come asking for the car keys anytime soon.

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