
02 October 2009

It could also stand for "A Happy Aqua Date"

Thursday night was Michelle's big night. For months, her and her co-organizer Laura Mrosla had been planning, organizing and, finally, preparing for AHAD, or Adolescent Health Advocacy Day. You can read more about the actual project here.

Basically, this is big for Michelle and her program because it brings local elected officials, public health advocates and others to one big room and provides a showcase for her kids. She puts a lot of work into it and she does good work. And yes, I would have said that even if she didn't read this blog (but I know where my bread is buttered).

So anywho, Kaitlyn and I decided to head on down to where the event was held a show support for mommy. Now, I knew Kaitlyn wouldn't sit still, but I figured she'd give a "Yea Mommy" shout-out when Michelle was announced.

However, Kaitlyn had other ideas, as you will see:

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