When the dopes fools weathermen said earlier this week that we could expect an inch to three inches of snow Friday night, we all laughed. Then, on Friday morning, the dopes fools weathermen changed that prediction to four to six inches. We cackled. At noon, the dopes fools weathermen said six to 12 inches could fall on the Piedmont Triad. I howled.
Well, here comes the snow. And it's coming hard. The more and more I watch it, the more and more I believe we could get a good couple of inches. Do I believe we're headed for a half-foot? Heck no.
All I hope is that it sticks around until the morning so that Kaitlyn really gets to enjoy it. Otherwise, it's just going to be a big gloppy mess, which will take the fun out of this first snowfall of the season.
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