It also helps that Boo has never done anything more than lick Kaitlyn's fingers and face. That's due in large part to Michelle and I making sure that neither Boo or Kaitlyn cross the line of playing (No Kaitlyn, don't pull Boo-Boo's ears. No Boo-Boo, don't take Kaitlyn's toy).
So it's a little bothersome when you read stories like this one from our great state of North Carolina. Another one to file under the "Dumb Parents" header:
The night of Aug. 31, 2009, [Robbie Lynn Jenkins, 20, and Tremayne Jerel Spillman, 23] both consumed Seroquel, a sleep-inducing medication prescribed to Jenkins, and left their 4-month-old child, Tremayne Jerel Spillman Jr., on a foldout couch in the couple’s Murrill Hill Road home. A pit bull puppy they were dog-sitting chewed the toes off the baby boy.
[Jenkins and Spillman] appeared in court Thursday, pleading guilty to felonious negligent child abuse involving serious physical injury and misdemeanor contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Jenkins received eight to 11 months. Spillman received 10 to 13 months. The couple also received five months credit for time served. Their plea was not part of a pre-arranged deal and they received the maximum sentence possible, according to state sentencing structure laws.
According to other reports, the couple was so blitzed that never heard the baby screaming and only became aware of the problem when they went to change their four-month-old son's diaper the next morning. THE. NEXT. MORNING.
Just as disturbing as the incident itself is the fact that they "received the maximum sentence possible." We've got pot smokers who get 24 months just for sitting on their couches with the munchies, but people who let a dog eat a baby spend less than a year in jail.
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